Mariya and I decided to begin the month right with manis and
pedis; how can a month go wrong with fresh hands and feet? I spent March’s
first week in HK with Gina and Mariya. We ate at Mariya and my favorite
restaurant (Life) and spent some time puttering around the Ladies Market before
doing some Wedding shoe shopping for Gina. Late on we met up with Ross, Joel
and Nicole for dinner and drinks to celebrate Gina’s acceptance into her
Masters program; I haven’t seen someone so truly happy, excited and surprised
in a very long time. After dinner, we got some drinks and hunkered down to
watch Jasen’s hockey team kill it before heading back home across the 24/hr
border. It was a Wonderfully full HK day – one of those days that make me
wonder why I don’t go there more often (I Love HK haha)!

In the world of school things have been very busy! We
recently celebrated RASK (Random Acts of Student Kindness) week and are now
gearing up for Heritage Fair (a fair focused on celebrating the different
cultures that are represented here at ISNS). We’re studying Spain for the fair
and the kids are very excited about learning some fun Spanish words. Our RASK
project was to create hearts with kind words/comments on them and to deliver
them to all teachers at ISNS as well as give everyone a hug – it was adorable.
Who doesn’t love a good hug (especially from a sweet grade 2 student)!?

This past weekend will forever be ranked as one of my top weekends of the year here in Shenzhen– it completely
caught me off guard in a great way:) I had spent the week thinking that I would have a nice and
relaxing weekend; one that would include cooking some nice meals, watching some
movies, doing some work, pinteresting and catching up on some sleep (and of course
visiting with Mariya and probably going to the gym). I did none of those things
(Mariya and I visited through texting haha)! Hahaha This weekend included
dinner on the ship in Shekou, drinks and dancing, walks and talks, my first
tunnel rave and Laurie’s baby shower. It was a mixed bag of goodness and a weekend
that has me still smiling almost a week later hahaha
Life is Good.
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