I find words fail me when trying to express my deep
appreciation for this holiday and trip. I will never know just how to thank
Barrett or my Parents for all of their efforts in getting me back to the Land
of the Cold for a much needed Home Retreat.
The travel both to and from Canada proved to be a challenge;
I was stuck on crutches due to a strained Achilles with a partial tear and had
flight delays, cancellations and re-routes like it was the airports’ job to
make life for all fliers difficult (haha oh winter travel). Looking back I find
myself able to laugh and shake my head at the whole thing but at the time it
was a painful and exhausting experience. Reflecting on the traveling part of my trip home I am
reminded of a particular conversation that I had with my dad while sitting,
defeated on the Seattle Airport floor (an airport I was never supposed to be
in) with my leg the size of a tree trunk up and resting on my pack, with tears
in my eyes. I remember him saying that the difficulty of this trip was exactly
what I needed. At that time my mouth agreed (knowing he was probably right) but
my heart hurt, tears fell with pain and exhaustion and my eyes rolled while my
head thought Enough is Enough. Although I agreed with him, I didn’t yet know
the meaning of this statement. It wasn’t until the traveling section of my trip back to 'China home', when I was feeling
more like myself, that I understood what Dad had meant on the phone that night.
January had been a very difficult month and it had left me feeling unlike
myself; I had lost sight of some very important things that I had to be
reminded of.

Some of which I posted in my January post of quotes. Looking back, yes
I had flight problems. I had flight delays, was re-routed to different airports
and even to a country that my airline doesn’t fly to; I had flight cancellations,
had to change airports, and went many days with no sleep. Through all of this I
now know that my Dad knew that I would survive and would see the beauty in the challenge; Human Kindness. He was right. My heart grew two sizes on
this journey both to and from Canada; of this I’m sure.

The kindness of strangers throughout the journey was overwhelming. From people carrying my bags, to bringing me a coffee
because they thought I could use one, to pushing me to the front of lines so I
wouldn’t have to wait, to having wheel chairs waiting for me at each airport,
to someone working with a Delta employee to sort out my flights so I wouldn’t
have to stand. People brought me into Delta lounges where I could eat and
shower while others offered a kind word or an empathetic smile. Did I mention that I was also given First Class seating for every flight I was on!? I don’t
consider myself a needy person; I’m independent and can take care of myself. BUT
my word my heart and soul felt deeply appreciative for the love and kindness
that I was shown. The kind words and help that I received was refreshing and
all of these strangers have no idea what their kind acts meant to me.
While the journey both to and from Canada proved to be
challenging (and rewarding) my time home was heartwarmingly perfect. It was
exactly what I needed. It was so nice to relax, to sit in my sunroom on a warm
couch surrounded by laughing family and friends while looking out at our
beautiful view. Sitting by the fire or in my hot tub during a snowstorm, breathing
fresh air and making snow angels with my family in flip-flops and socks was absolute bliss. To be with my family and visit friends was a true treat. Being able to
spend a couple of days with my Mom in her classroom was so much fun and being home
to greet Daxy and Dad after work was always entertaining. Sarah was even in town and was able to pop in for visits, what a riot she can be! Having the Hooper
clan together again was quite something…I do adore my family.

weekend festivities were a definite highlight of my visit. Having everyone over
to the Hooper Residence was, as always, a night to be remembered (in bits and
pieces); I woke up with cheeks that hurt from smiling, a stomach that hurt from so
much laughter, legs that were sore from trying to dance on my ankle and a throat that told me I had howled sufficiently loud for an extended period of time. Nice to know that something’s never change – it was a perfect
night! Hahaha A house full of love, laughter and fun <3
I had been so looking forward to getting home to be with my family
and friends, to breath fresh air, drink tap water, eat delicious food, drink
homemade wine and get some much needed physio for my ankle, among other things. I was able to
check all of the above off of my list and although I was far from ready to leave I
knew that I had to stop putting check marks next to ‘eat delicious food’ and
‘drink homemade wine’!! hahaha
I'm not back in China with my China Family (I don't know what I would do without them) and things seem to be coming together. My ankle is feeling Much better, the weather is warming up and I just got the word that the gym has finally re-opened!!
Hugs to my Family and Friends, I’m truly appreciative of
you and can't wait to see all of you this summer <3
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