Sunday, 13 October 2013

Chinadian Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving has to be one of my favorite holidays, for so many valid reasons (at least I feel they’re valid). To name only a few of these reasons:
-It’s a time for family and friends to gather (at my house that means to come together with food, drink and a dance or two in the kitchen).
-October is a wonderful month. It’s a month of fresh air, fall colors, blushed cheeks, boots and scarfs and the sound of leaves crunching underfoot.
-It’s not a holiday about presents; rather, it’s about good company, interesting conversations and laughter. 

Although I couldn’t be home to celebrate this wonderful Holiday with my family and friends I am very thankful to have been able to celebrate it with my China Family in our own way.

I would like to first begin by explaining (in not too much detail) that my Thanksgiving had a rough start this year on account of a bout of food poisoning. I suppose my body was trying to get Everything out of its system before the feast on Sunday…either way, it made for a difficult Thursday night and Friday. Nevertheless, Jennie, Kathryn and I were able to make it over to HK for the day on Saturday where we bought Kathryn’s new iPhone and my new iPod (mine was stolen at the gym), exciting stuff! We puttered around the great city, had a deliciously light lunch at Life Restaurant & Bar (first 'meal' since Thursday) and then headed home on the bus. I do love living in a city where I can pop over to HK for an afternoon, for the price of a cab into downtown Fredericton, NB…

I woke up feeling much better on Thanksgiving Sunday and was ready to try to adapt some of my beloved Hooper Family Traditions of The Day of Thanks. All the while being well aware that this could be difficult as the weather is very different here and my kitchen is the size of my dish washer back home. But! I did my best with what I had.

The day began with a lovely walk around the park with Kathryn (in shorts and a tank), a stop at the veggie/fruit stand and a fresh mango smoothie. {At home I would have gone for a walk with family but the sights, sounds, smells and clothing choices would have been very different.} After cleaning my house while dancing around to The Blues Brothers (frequently played in the Hooper family kitchen) Kathryn and I successfully created a healthy gluten and wheat free version of apple crisp in my little oven and enjoyed taste testing with some coffee and sharing with friends J 
Our delicious Thanksgiving creation in my mini-oven!

At 6pm the ISNS China family gathered on the 3rd floor lounge for our Thanksgiving Potluck and My Goodness the amount of food was incredible, it all smelled so delicious! I suppose this is as good a time as any to quickly thank food poisoning recovery/being gluten and wheat free for making me have what turned out to be probably the most healthy, balanced, non-indulgent Thanksgiving yet…

Although I was not able to spend Thanksgiving at home in my lovely little town with my family, I do feel extremely lucky to have been able to spend it here in Shenzhen with my China family; the next best thing! I am very thankful not only to be surrounded by so many wonderful people here but that I have so many special people to miss around the world.

Feeling Thankful. 
Peace & Love Everyone

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