As I sit here and stare at this blinking screen I am
wondering how it is I can sum up my last few months here in China. It’s
difficult to put into words the emotions that have been felt and give the
proper amount of detail to events that have taken place. It’s rather like
taking a picture; the viewer gets a taste but the photo can never really do the
experience justice, can it? Alas, here it goes...
Life has been Good these last few months; the people that I
have met, the places that I have explored, the evenings that have been had, the
food and drinks that have been consumed, the stomach laughter that has been
enjoyed and the dances that have been danced have all been absolutely
brilliant. It does make me quite sad to think that I’ve only just met these
incredible people in these last few months (why couldn’t we have met sooner)
but I suppose that’s the way things were meant to play out. I know that it’s
always better to leave a place wanting more than desperately wanting out; but
it still makes me a little sad to think that it’s all ending so soon.
Some Events that have taken place in -- April, May and June
Manis and Pedis
Peninsula Living
Dinner Dates
Pool Lounges
Tunnel Raves
Beach Weekend Rave
Tapinyaki visits
School trips
Boardwalk workouts
Getting Cheeky at the Cheeky Monkey
More Peninsula Living
Rain Storms
Back problems
Spontaneous weekend in HK for the Dragon Boat Festival
Sarah’s Bachelorette (Hen do) –High Tea
End of the Year Staff Party