Wednesday, 26 September 2012

From the Mouths of Babes...

Miss. Hoopa, people say I’m good at eating (comes to my desk to tell me this after I finish telling the class that we have to do our best to eat all of our food)

Miss. Hoopa, basketball people are horrible (the ending to a long story about a basketball practice that happened a week previous to the story)

Miss. Hoopa, even though they promised they won't really do it because last time they promised me and they didn’t do it but maybe today they will do it because they promised you they would. (this child was not breathing or making any sense. Sometimes they just like to chat.)

Miss. Hoopa, I only write true (after I asked if his story was real or make-believe)

Miss Hoopa, I Looooooove Math (Me: That’s fantastic! Me too!...Grade 2 has turned me into a liar)

In the day they all good but in the night, it’s all party (enough said)

A Double Period of Math!!! Oh Miss. Hoopa, I soooo excited!!

Why are we practicing Read to Self?
To become Longer Stronger Readers! (Best answer!!)

Mom!! Oh…I mean…Miss. Hoopa (giggle)

Miss. Hoopa, I have a really hard core!! (Speaking about her math pattern core being difficult)

Miss. Hoopa, I want to be on your team! (We were in the middle of silent reading, there were no teams)

Sooo Gooood Miss. Hoopa, So Good!

Miss. Hoopa, I a wild car (speaking about having a wild card while playing Canada Food Guide bingo)

Miss. Hoopa, I want long har (hair) just like you one day. Sooo beautiful. 

(after a very long winded story:) Miss. Hoopa, I sorry. That was a tattle, not a tell. - walks away    (we're working on the difference between tattling and telling, it's necessary) 

Hump Day!!

My kids and I have made it over the hump and I am only two days away from lounging on White Beach in Boracay (let's just hope my visa/passport arrives tomorrow)!! It was a good day, the kids had a great morning! We made it through a full round of Daily 5 (Daily 2 really but whatever, they did it)!! Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday's are my Favourite days of the week, no ifs, ands, or buts!! This might have a lot to do with having 3 preps each day. I have decided that this is not laziness but is simply a wonderful truth. It's fantastic. 

Monday, 24 September 2012

What A Day!!

My Word, What a Monday! My alarm didn't go off, the internet hasn't been working, and I couldn't seem to find my laptop cord. Not the best start. We got hit with a big thunder storm today, no need to ask if that fed the kids' energy. It did! They were all over the place today But sat still and loved listening to me read Oh, the Places You'll Go. What a fantastic book, definitely one of my favourites. After our long day Kat and I had volleyball, the girls are really coming along. They have truly improved from the first day, they don't Always run away from the ball or scream when a ball comes close to them anymore. haha Em and I made what turned into a rather long Ikea trip this evening after practice. My room is really feeling like home and I love it so much more!! I finally have a mirror, rug, and candles. 

To put an end to this Monday I stabbed myself in the hand with a sharp Ikea knife while cutting tags off of  a flower. I'm fine but it's sore. Looking forward to Tuesday! haha 

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

The Teacher @ Meet the Teacher...

The night is over and I have successfully completed my First Meet the Teacher Conference. How Bizarre! There was a point in the evening, while I was speaking to the parents of my students when I looked at myself and thought 'when did this happen?'. Time is Scary. The night went well and I received lots of great questions and positive feedback. Being the teacher at the front of the room is still wild to me, I think it's going to take some time!!

All in the Name of a Visa

It’s been a slow, long, drawn out process. Why not wait a little longer? The Visa process is finally finished but now I have to continue to wait. Wait and Hope that it arrives in time to fly to Boracay for October Holiday (next Saturday). Before leaving Canada I had to have an extensive physical and police check. What was I thinking when I thought that would be the end of it? I had to redo both once here and man it was a very different experience! I don’t do doctors or hospitals back home, let’s just say I won’t be returning to a Chinese one any time soon. The ECG was like having baby plungers stuck to me. The eye exam consisted of 3 letters (E, W, M) because we can show those with three fingers. Who needs a led jacket when you get an xray? Oh, and when having blood taken there was no private room. There was an open desk where we sat on stools and put our arms out for the nurses. The final step to the physical, we had to give a urine sample. Forget about bathrooms; say hello to squatters and an open cup that was to be left on a tray with everyone else’s sample. High class. After the enlightening physical we had to wait to do our police checks. The first one was in Nanshan and the second in Luoho. The longest part was the waiting. I was grilled (as grilled as you can be within 5 minutes) about what the NB Curriculum was and what grade I teach here at my first interview. At the second, I told them my name, said that I like it here in China, and they took a photo of me. That was that. They say it should take 5 business days for my passport and visa to be returned. Fingers Crossed!! 

Friday, 14 September 2012

Running in the am

I have yet to miss my morning run and still love it, although some mornings are easier than others. It all depends on the heat and humidity. Sometimes it feels like you’re running underwater, and it looks like I am too (soaked with sweat). I now know what bricks not to step on (some move and send mysterious liquid up your leg, an experience I need not repeat), where to hold my breath (on account of the meat market setting up on the corner), and know how fast I need to run across the road to dodge any cars that ignore traffic lights (most cars). My Ipod is on a three-song rotation right now and I have gotten used to seeing the regulars each morning. The woman in red that walks as though her life depends on it (arms up, huffing it all the way), the man who hates when I pass him (he needs to relax, I worry that one morning I’ll have a heart attack on my hands), the slow clappers (the group that walks backwards as they clap their hands. Yes, I pretend the slow motivational clap is for me). Then there’s the matching couple (they rock pink shirts everyday), the man who plays incredible music in the trees (dressed to impress), and the man who limps in his yellow sandals. There are so many people at the park at such an early hour but it doesn’t feel cluttered. There are basketball players practicing, girls
smacking a birdie back and forth, men flying kites that look like hawks, and women walking in high heals. It is not a place with a lack of things to see, that’s for certain.  

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Common No More.

Miss. Hoopa, Miss. Hoopster, Miss. Hoop, Miss. Hoops, Miss. H - Although I love my name I have grown up with a common one, Kate. When I was in school I used to half joke that if you wanted me you had to tap me because I was tired to turning around at every call for ‘Kate/Katie’. The days of having a common name in school is over, I am the One and Only Miss. Hoopa, Miss. Hoopster, Miss. Hoop, Miss. Hoops, Miss. H. It’s hilarious!